Introducing Bhakti Publishing
Established in 2022 with headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area, Bhakti Publishing is a division of Bhakti Projects and is supported by an international team of editors, transcribers, and graphic artists.
Bhakti Publishing is dedicated to publishing and distributing the books of contemporary Sārasvata Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavas on all topics related to the path of Bhakti Yoga and self-realization.
In order to carry out this mission, we ask for your support to fulfill the desire of Srīla Gurudeva and that of our entire guru-paramparā for these books to reach the hands of all in this world.

Bhakti Publishing’s initial publications are two books by Śrīpād Bhakti Svarūpa Śridhara Mahārāja.
Individual copies are available to order online or buy in case bulk distribution quantities at a discount – see below.

This new book of Śrīpād Bhakti Svarūpa Śridhara Mahārāja entitled Śaraṇāgati, is based on a series of five lectures given in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2016 on the topic of śaraṇāgati, the six-fold process of self-surrender. Mahārāja skillfully takes the reader through the six limbs, or aṅgas, of the surrendering process as delineated by Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī in his Bhakti-sandarbha. His animated style of storytelling along with explanations from many authoritative Sanskrit texts and commentaries on the subject makes a unique presentation never heard before in the English language.
200 pages Hardbound

Individual price – $15.00 ea. (plus $5.00 shipping anywhere in US) – Total $20.00 ea
(Ships by USPS, allow 7-10 days delivery)
Case Discount – Case of 20 books – 20% off, $12 ea. $240/case (plus $30.00 shipping anywhere in US) – Total $270.00 per case.
(Ships by FedEx Ground, allow 7-10 days delivery)
Shipping rates for continental United States addresses. International orders require full case quantities. Inquire for International shipping rates.
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Four Special Gifts of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu
“Mahāprabhu came to reveal four objects. The first is prema, the second is Harināma, the third is Vṛndāvana dhama including the whole of Vraja-maṇḍala, 84 krosha of Vraja-maṇḍala. The fourth special gift is ‘ko vā jānāti rādhāṃ parama-rasa-camatkāramādhurya-sṛmām’—which means the extreme, ultimate highest platform of kṛṣṇa-prema called mādanakhya-mahābhāva. When this mādanakhya-mahābhāva takes a form, She becomes Rādhārānī. ‘Ko vā jānāti rādhāṁ’—prior to Caitanya Mahāprabhu who was able to know and fully appreciate Rādhārānī?”
36 pages softbound

Individual price – $3.00 ea. (plus shipping anywhere in US – add $3.00) – Total $6.00 ea.
(If shipping with the Śaraṇāgati hardbound book, then the shipping is FREE for this booklet)
Shipping rates for continental United States addresses. International orders require full case quantities. Inquire for International shipping rates.
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BIOGRAPHY – Śrīpāda Bhakti Svarūpa Śrīdhara Mahārāja
Śrīpāda Bhakti Svarūpa Śrīdhara Mahārāja is a disciple of His Divine Grace Śrīla Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Gosvāmī Mahārāja, a disciple of Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Thākura Prabhupāda and the Founder-Ācārya of the Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mission. Bhakti Svarūpa Śrīdhara Mahārāja is an accomplished Sanskrit scholar and an exemplary practitioner and teacher of bhakti-yoga. Mahārāja gives the profound meaning of the sastras from the prominent ācāryas’ commentaries in a simple, straightforward and easy to understand way. His profound way of delivering the esoteric meaning of bhakti to the worldwide society of Vaiṣṇavas fulfills the meaning of his title ‘Bhakti Svarūpa’.
Born in Orissa near Jagannātha PurĪ, Mahārāja speaks fluent Oriyā, Hindi, Bengali and English. He is a Sanskrit scholar and has a diploma in Mechanical Engineering. At an early age he became a kṛṣṇa-bhakta after reading Bhagavada-gĪtā As It Is, by Śrīla A.C. Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Prabhupāda. When he was 17 years of age he took Harināma initiation and four years later joined the mission of his Gurudeva. The very next day after joining he received dĪkṣā mantra initiation and fully dedicated his life to devotional service. A week after his initiation, on the order of his Gurudeva, he enrolled in 7 years of Sanskrit and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam studies in Vrindavan. In 1997 when he was only 24 years old, he received sannyāsa initiation from his Gurudeva and has strictly upheld all his vows and services for the last 30 years.
When Bhakti Svarūpa Śrīdhara Mahārāja met with Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyana Mahārāja, Śrīla Nārāyana Mahārāja blessed him to teach all over the world. He also received profuse blessings from his Gurudeva and his god-brothers to preach worldwide the message of Kṛṣṇa consciousness and śuddha-bhakti. Mahārāja has regularly traveled to Europe since 1997, to Mexico since 2001, to USA since 2008 and once to Peru and Costa Rica. Wherever Mahārāja visits he charms the audiences with his wonderful animated lectures, personal warmth and humble mood of service. He is very respectful to all the Vaiṣṇavas, regardless what mission they are from, imbibing the mood of pure non-sectarian Gaudiya Vaiṣṇavaism.