The gopis of Vrindavan are the greatest examples of selfless loving service to the Lord. The happiness they feel is millions of times more than the happiness Lord Krsna Himself experiences. The process of bhakti is so sublime. It allows anyone in any condition of life to make advancement towards the ultimate goal of life, Krsna-Prema, love of God. Practicing ‘tithing’ is a simple way that anyone, in any condition of life, can engage in ‘giving’ to the Lord.

‘Give to God first’ is the principal. All living beings are maintained directly or indirectly by the most merciful Supreme Lord. He is therefore the most deserving recipient. We can show our gratitude by offering a portion of our income and our lives in His service, and in the service of His servants.
Tithing is an ancient practice that holds the secret to material and spiritual prosperity. Persons desiring wealth become wealthy through tithing. Others may tithe for spiritual benefit or both material and spiritual benefits. Whatever the intention may be, tithing works. It is a fundamental law of the universe that as one puts out energy to help others, it gets returned many times over, and the more deserving the recipient, the greater the return.
Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada asked his married disciples to give 50% of their incomes to the temple, but very few could follow this. If someone can afford to give more than 10%, that is great, but 10% is the minimum amount to be effective and to not suffer any hardship or change in your daily needs. In fact, as you tithe, more prosperity will magically appear in your life, in the form of an abundance of money, time, energy, inspiration, health and happiness. If even a portion of the population would practice tithing, there would be no scarcity in the world and there would be so much good will and happiness that it would be as if heaven descended to Earth.
Miserly persons are concerned only about their own welfare. Paradoxically, they always find themselves lacking and hankering for more. The truth is that in giving one receives, and in helping others one’s own needs are met with a sense of contentment. When practicing tithing, work becomes more than just earning money, it becomes yoga, the process of linking with the Supreme. This inspires remembrance of Krsna throughout the day. Gradually, such ‘yoga-work’ leads to higher practices of devotion and ultimately achieving full absorption in God Consciousness, where one constantly remembers Krsna with love.
When tithing is practiced in a regulated way, it has the greatest effect. ‘Tithe’ means ‘1/10th’. At the end of every month, without fail, one should donate 10% of your net income (after taxes) to a charitable cause or the source of your spiritual inspiration. This should be done regardless of any obstacles or obligations that may come up, and they will, so ‘despite’ such allurements, one must stay faithful to the practice. It is a test of faith.
We encourage everyone to practice tithing and experience the wonderful results.
An easy way to start is to:
• Choose a Bhakti Project you are inspired by
• Click donate and select a recurring monthly donation