What is Bhakti Projects?
Bhakti Projects is a nonprofit church organization dedicated to propagating the beliefs and practices of the Krishna Consciousness religion according to the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as presented in disciplic succession and in the writings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. We regularly hold religious functions in our local community and also support the mission of Gaudiya Vaisnavism around the world by sponsoring bhakti festivals, publication of religious literature, and building of temples, ashrams and religious schools

First established in 1994 as ‘The Bhubaneswara Project’, the charity’s first function was to help Srila Gour Govinda Swami build the ISKCON Krishna-Balarama temple in Bhubaneswara, Orissa, India. This was Srila Prabhupada’s last founded project before his divine departure in 1977. Raising funds from individuals and businesses, the charity helped fund the construction of the large temple complex and to maintain its daily religious functions.

ISKCON Krishna-Balarama Temple Bhubaneswara. Orissa, India
After Srila Gour Govinda Swami left this world in 1996, the organization shifted its focus to serving the projects of Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja, as we recognized him as the leading spiritual successor of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. In 2004, the name was then changed to ‘Bhakti Projects’ to more appropriately affiliate the organization with its worldwide projects. Since its inception, Bhakti Projects has served the international society of devotees and the public by raising and spending over $5 million dollars on various projects.

from 1996 – 2010:
Helped fund purchase of property and construction of temples:

Durvasa Muni
Mathura India

Sri Giridhari
Gaudiya Matha
Govardhana, India

Sri Keshavji
Gaudiya Math
Navadvipa, India

Gaudiya Matha
Bali, Indonesia
Groundbreaking ceremony

Gaudiya Matha
Bali, Indonesia

New Braj Temple
Land & Houses
in Badger, California, USA
Organized & Sponsored
Six major Bhakti Festivals with Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja in the San Francisco Bay Area

1st World Tour July, 1996 – Pleasant Hill, California, USA

Gave financial support for other projects:
New Braj Village School in Badger, California, USA
San Francisco Bay Area Sanga Preaching Center in Richmond, California, USA
Rose Temple project in Los Angeles, California, USA
Radha Govinda Gaudiya Matha, Manila, Philippines and subsidized pilgrimages to India for over 20 Philippine devotees
Printing of GVP publications and managed the storage, accounting and worldwide distribution of books.
Travel and medical needs for Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja
Medical needs for Gaurasundara Brahmacari Prabhu after his accident
Served as a portal for devotees in the US and around the world to donate to Srila Gurudeva’s general fund.

from 2011 – Present:

After His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja left this world in 2010, Bhakti Projects continues to fund devotional projects worldwide:
New Braj Samadhi Project, Badger, California, USA
Radha Govinda Ashram at Sri Radha-kunda, Govardhana, India for Bhakti Vedanta Muni Maharaj
A residence for Krsna das Prabhu (late Bengali kirtaniya) in Govardhana
Temple/Ashram expansion for Bhakti Kamal Govinda Maharaja in Vrindavana, India
Bangalore Temple for BV Vaikhanas Maharaja
Sri Ranghanatha Gurukula for BV Vishnu-daivata Maharaja
Purchase and renovation of a new temple building in Manila, Philippines
RV for BV Vaikhanas Maharaja to travel and preach in USA
GVP endowment fund for perpetual book printing
Bhakti festivals in the SF Bay Area with international guest speakers
Purchase 20 acres in Badger, CA for the New Braj School and more housing
Plus the current listings on the Projects page
The managing directors of Bhakti Projects are Radhakanta das, Ratikala devi dasi and Vishvambhara das. All personnel are volunteers and receive no salaries.
This website provides information on Bhakti Projects programs and events and offers an easy way to give financial support online to worldwide devotional projects. All projects posted are nonprofit devotional projects and 100% of your tax deductible donations go directly to the projects.