“New Nilachala”

by | Feb 17, 2012

For over 15 years, we have been a community of Gaudiya Vaishnav aspirants, who spontaneously gathered together in the San Francisco Bay Area, mostly on the East Bay side (Berkeley/Oakland/Richmond).

We hope to grow our community both to help us along on our own spiritual path and to make this path visible, accessible and welcoming to all Bay Area residents.

The path of Pure Bhakti

What spiritual path are we trying to follow? The path of Pure Bhakti.
This is the path of seeking loving connection with the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna, under the auspices of His Divine Consort, Srimati Radharani, in a mood of loving devotion (pure bhakti), through congregational chanting of the holy names (harinam sankirtan), devotional service (bhakti yoga & seva), and the living blessings and guidance of pure and senior devotees (Sadhus and Vaishnav Thakurs) and qualified spiritual master-teachers (Guru-varga).

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