More than 42,000 Books Distributed

by | Mar 6, 2011

[dcs_dropcap2 color=”#222222″]S[/dcs_dropcap2]ometime around mid 2008 a program was launched called the GVP Book Distribution Sponsorship Program, which facilitates the distribution of Srila Gurudeva’s books.

This program is a federally approved 501 c3 non-profit religious organization, and places Srila Gurudeva’s books in stores, libraries, prisons, hospitals, and many other locations to make books available at no or low cost to all people.

Now since the program was started many books have been distributed by a team of dedicated devotees some are known and some are not. Just between September 2008 and May 2009 more than 42,000 books were distributed. All of this was made possible by the kind donations of devotees around the world. Not everyone is able to actually go out and distribute books, because of varying circumstances; family, jobs, or physical impairments, etc.
Or maybe you’re too shy or simply just don’t know how to get started.

If you wish, you may make a donation in the name of your family or someone else.
With your donation you are giving others a chance to learn about Krishna consciousness. Thank you for your support!